【摘 要】施密特正交化是将一个向量组正交化的重要方法,是求向量空间的规范正交基的一个重要步骤。本文利用向量在另一向量上的投影向量,给出三维空间中施密特正交化的几何意义,并且将此结论推广到一般的维向量的正交化过程。
中图分类号: O13 文献标识码: A 文章编号: 2095-2457(2019)23-0061-002
【Abstract】Schmidt orthogonalization is an important method to orthogonalize a vector group and an important step to find the standard orthogonal basis of vector space. In this paper, the geometric meaning of Schmidt orthogonalization in three-dimensional space is given by using the projection vectors of vectors on another vector, and the conclusion is extended to the orthogonalization process of general dimensional vectors.
【Key words】Schmidt orthogonalization; Geometric meaning; Projection vector
1 向量在另一向量上的投影向量
1.1 向量在轴上的投影向量
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